It’s been 20 weeks since I’ve updated this space.
While I know that’s far too long to go between blog posts, I also know that for me, 2017 was the year when I did what I could when I was able.
It was a year of transition and heartache, and the learning of lots and lots of lessons that ended again and again with bittersweet reminders that you can’t change the past, but you can embrace your future—and always, always, always: you can and do choose your attitude.
In the end, I’m content with that.
As we turn to 2018, I’m ready to begin anew.
This year, I’m not making any resolutions.
Instead, I’m going to set intentions.
Setting your intentions creates your reality and it feels much more positive and purposeful to me.
By setting an intention (as I often do at the start of a yoga practice when I vow not to die for the next 65 or so minutes) I’m choosing to adopt a behavior I want to cultivate. It’s inspiring and motivational— all that I want my 2018 to be.
So with that, I’m declaring 2018 my year of living magically.
My word of the year is alchemy.
Wishing you a year filled with magical moments, special people, love, health, and happiness.
Pope Francis posted this prayer on his Instagram account, and I loved it. I think it summarizes so much. I’m reposting it here #ICYMI:
“Let us not forget on this day to thank God for the past year and for all the good things we have received. I wish everyone a peaceful end of the year.”
Sending you continued blessings today and always.
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