Car trips and vacations are excellent opportunities to reflect.
Outside of the news cycle, it’s easier to consider the things that draw us together, versus the constant and ever-present media, focused on what divides us.
Outside of the news cycle, I met a lot of strangers. Most of these encounters happened in a grocery store, at a restaurant or in a bar. I found it interesting that time after time, surrounded by food, even in these contentious times, we were all just one thing: hungry Americans.
All of this got me thinking about American food. And I couldn’t help but think about all of the moments while on vacation or during other moments of celebration, relaxation or uncertainty that food creates a common bond.
In the U.S., our food reflects a wide variety of culinary contributions from the melting pot of people from around the world who’ve contributed to our eclectic culture.
That spirit, enthusiasm, and collective excitement have inspired me to dedicate this space, for a little while at least, to food.
There’s so much joy to be had in exploring restaurants, enjoying dinner with friends, trying an original recipe, or discovering new food. While certainly not forever, I thought I’d pause to explain my IG content plan for the foreseeable future. Cheers to the social benefit of coming together around a common interest, and taking a step back from the things that we have in common like cooking eating and the discovery of adventures in food.

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