Today TOMS shoes is going to Capitol Hill to talk to Congress about passing gun control legislation. I have to work and can’t join in person, so I’m posting this peace sign #selfie to stand with TOMS shoes in solidarity. Please show your support for gun control and post a peace sign selfie ...
Getting Schooled on the Pupil Project
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Have you heard about the Pupils Project? The Pupils Project is an important program from Warby Parker that helps provide much-needed glasses for school children. Not too ...
Reflecting on 2018: Best 9 Style
As the year comes to an end it’s time for a reflection. For me, the end of the year is a bittersweet mix of looking back and looking forward. The year flew. If I were, to sum up, 2018 in just one sentence of self-reflection, I’d say, “I showed up.” I was present more often, and I tried my ...
My eco-friendly Adidas!
I'm publishing this blog post because my husband is sick of hearing about my new shoes. If I talk about them any more today, he's going to flip. But haven't you ever ordered something in the mail and then found yourself even more excited when it arrived?! That's feeling sums up my sentiment about ...
Stop Stressing and Just Wear The Suit!
I love the summer ☀️, but I hate swimsuit season. ? We’re all guilty of judging ourselves and indulging that petty voice inside our heads—the one that judges, doubts your success and amplifies your every imperfection. I know I’m guilty of indulging that voice and you probably are too. But that’s ok ...